Thursday, February 14, 2013

Fall Out Boy: My Songs Know What You Did in The Dark ( Light Em Up) TRACK REVIEW

I want to make one thing clear before I start this review... I have a soft spot for Fall Out Boy. No, I don't own any of their albums, in fact, I only really like material from their first couple of albums. But the songs I do enjoy, I enjoy for their energy and yes, catchy choruses. Because, c'mon, you can't deny the pure ear-candy of "A Little Less Sixteen Candles" or "Dead On Arrival"... I dare you.

But sadly the latest track from FOB in what, 8 years? is anything but great. To start, the instrumental; who thought that taking away the fast and punk-esque instrumentals and replacing them with bland electronics was a good idea? I mean, yes, when done well, this style of rock music can be pretty great. Unfortunately, I just don't think they executed this style well, and just end up sounding bland and un-inspired. And the lyrics... I know FOB was never a thought-provoking band, but their older songs at least had some form of endearing charm in the lyrics... which is nowhere in sight on this track. So really, aside from the overly-long title; this song just doesn't have any of the elements that make FOB an enjoyable band; at least for me.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Wavves: Demon To Lean On TRACK REVIEW

"Demon To Lean On" is the latest single from Wavves' forthcoming LP "Afraid Of Heights", which will be released on the 26th of March. This, and the other single dropped so far, seem to point toward a stylistic change for Wavves; moving away from the stoner surf-rock of "King Of The Beach" in a more 90's tinged, grunge-y sound.

I'm finding this to be a rather refreshing change of pace for the band, seeing as I wasn't really big on Wavves' prior material. I'm looking forward to the release of "Afraid Of Heights" and hope that the rest of the tracks on it can live up to the first two singles.